Chronic Wounds: How Self-care Can Help Speed Healing

The Doctor Weighs In
7 min readSep 21, 2020

By: Jeffrey Nelson, Ph.D.

Optimal self-care for patients with chronic wounds includes dressing changes, good nutrition, and recognizing warning signs of infection.

(Photo source: iStock)

Chronic wounds aren’t typically something most people think about. If there is a break in the skin or deep tissue, nature takes over and our bodies begin the healing process.

However, for some adults, especially those who are older or managing health conditions, wound healing — particularly if the wound is chronic — is not as easy.

Chronic wounds are common

Every year, more than 6 million people in the U.S. are affected by chronic wounds such as pressure injuries and foot ulcers[1]. Unlike acute wounds from a surgical incision or an injury, chronic wounds often occur in people with conditions like immobility or diabetes.

These types of wounds don’t necessarily show signs of healing within 30 days. If wounds don’t heal properly, they can lead to some very serious complications.

Because of the associated complications, chronic wounds put a significant financial strain on the health system. It’s estimated that $25 billion is spent annually in the U.S. to treat these wounds. This, plus the inconvenience and setbacks of people…



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