Climate Change and Human Health: It’s a Killer

The Doctor Weighs In
7 min readNov 28, 2018

By: Patricia Salber MD, MBA (@docweighsin)

The impact of climate change on human health is killing people right now via extreme weather events, spread of infectious disease, and failures of nutrition.

Despite what Donald Trump says, climate change is real and it is related to human activities. It is also killing us NOW. Even though he buried his own administration’s climate change report because he didn’t like the findings, all of the rest of us can look around and see what is happening:

I could go on and on, but what I really want to focus on in this story is the evidence that health consequences to us humans are not something that may happen in 2050 — they are already happening now. Here is a summary of what we know based on what I learned at the February 2017 Climate Change and Health Conference.

Related story: Enviromedics: How Climate Change is Killing Us Now

The Climate Change and Health Conference

The Climate Change and Health conference was held at the Carter Center in Atlanta in 2017. It hosted by former Vice President Al Gore and the American Public Health Association.



The Doctor Weighs In

Dr. Patricia Salber and friends weigh in on leading news in health and healthcare