Ransomware Attack! What to Do on Day One | The Doctor Weighs In

The Doctor Weighs In
5 min readJul 28, 2019

By: Kali Durgampudi

Ransomware attacks are more prevalent than ever but recovery is possible if you follow the right best practices. Here’s what needs to be done on Day One.

Photo Source: iStock

Ransomware is surging, and it’s taking a toll on the healthcare sector. In fact, ransomware attacks on businesses increased by 195% in the first three months of 2019. The price tag of these attacks is growing too. In the first quarter of 2019, the average ransomware demand was 93% higher than in 2018.

Healthcare is the hardest hit of all sectors. Healthcare breaches accounted for 37% of all ransomware incidents. Therefore it is imperative that you know what to do ahead of time in case your practice or facility determines an attack is underway.

Let’s consider what you should do on Day One of a ransomware attack.

Ransomware attack! What to do on Day One

1. Discovery

Let’s say you work at a large medical practice. You begin to have trouble accessing an application or system that is a core component of your work. The server isn’t responding, so you contact the IT help desk. At the same time, the security team starts receiving alerts. These all are the early signs that ransomware is…



The Doctor Weighs In

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