Resources to Help You Get Out (and Protect) the Vote

The Doctor Weighs In
12 min readOct 8, 2020

By Molly Coye, M.D. and Chris Cassel, M.D.

Updated on October 28, 2020

The Presidential election is almost upon us. Here are the resources you need to help you vote (early) and get out the vote.

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The election is just days away, and we’re grateful to Dr. Pat Salber for giving us this opportunity to address you directly. As physicians concerned about the health of the public, we know that the choices we all make for our leaders-at the federal, state, and local levels-have a direct impact on our lives. That’s why we are providing you with resources to help you get out (and protect) the vote.

Because of the critical nature of this election, we’ve boiled down all the wisdom about how to encourage voter participation in 5 big steps. And, we have included a list of active links to trusted resources that will help you do the work. Just scroll down until you get to a step you haven’t taken — and start there!

1. Vote — and vote early

State by state information on early voting

States vary, allowing in-person early voting, or drop-offs of mail-in ballots; check the resources here for state-by-state information.

When mail-in ballots can be counted in each state

It is critically important that you do everything you can to ensure your ballot is counted on election day — or very soon thereafter. This is because of concerns that there could be a push to call the election before all of the mail-in ballots have been counted.

The two sites below provide information about the rules around counting absentee ballots. Use this information to help you decide if you should send your ball by mail or mask up and vote in person.

Check here for permanent state-by-state policies on counting mail-in ballots. But also check this list for important changes related to counting mail-in ballots made for 2020 only.

Special rules in some states about how to properly fill out and mail in your ballot



The Doctor Weighs In

Dr. Patricia Salber and friends weigh in on leading news in health and healthcare